One Day

June 12th 2005: Proudest day ever

It’s an aboriginal feeling, the finest of all.
What a guy could expect more at 21 years?
The night before was a shady one, full of dilemma, anxiety were all over me, like my tension symptoms I visited the loo more times than a I on average go in a whole week.
At 11 AM, I was placed at India’s largest software company, the same brand which I admired since childhood. I couldn’t be more happy and I never asked God for more.

June 12th 2006 : Adios my dear college

When first time I stepped into my college campus, I despised it like anything, it was quite boring, infact a lot. Compare to Delhi where I live before it was a small town but yes the weather was great and the people. After four years, today leaving the college is a tough thing to do. A job in hand made me quite relaxed but I know outside college gates the world is full of cheaters, leg pullers and selfish people. Will I survive? Will I be getting friends like I had in college?
Will they be by my side during my odd days? Adios my dear college.

June 12th 2007 : Let the party continue.

Almost a year into the new Job and Gurgaon is the place to be. Got few new good friends. I don’t want anything else from life. Let the time flow. Let the party continue.

June 12th 2008 : Will be 25 soon

Life has changed a little, two years on, a little bit matured, and have started to fight a little, my words are no more soft and I am little distracted. Yes I am growing old, its painful to grow old without wisdom. After six months I will be 25, a quarter, hope to have a blasting party.

June 12th 2009: Recession is a bitch

Yes, a bad year, Recession is a bitch. Though I could save my job, but yes it snatched many things from me. Night shifts are killing and I sleep almost all day. Still the party happens every weekend but the people have changed and we buy cheap beers and fewer snacks.

June 12th 2010            : Bye Bye Delhi

Has put my papers 11 days ago, they are pursing me for New York, but can I trust them ? The experience says no, but there is always a hope. On the other hand its Hyderabad calling. Hussain Sagar, Biriyani and the company I always dreamt for.
Money or happiness I have a choice now, I am at crossroad, By Night end I choose to be happy. Yes Hydy, I am coming.

June 12th 2011: Forgotten, Little Old

Its like half bachelor life again. At crossroads we can take only one decision and we are never sure if we take the right one. Since childhood I prayed to God to give me a meaningful life, God must be crazy, I was planning for my stable future and he had a twist for me in store. Who knew I would be circling the world soon.

June 12th 2012 : Complete Man

Yes, Today, I am just engaged (don’t feel sorry girls), today morning I noticed few grey hairs, Oh shit, I’m getting old. 28 ? oh noooo…. Life changes, it happened very fast over last one year, I circled the world and lost old and made new friends, many actually. Still few things never change, the day is always special, hope it would be..

The purpose of relationship is not to have another who might complete you, but to have another with whom you might share your completeness. 
"I am a complete man today, Happy 12th June"


  1. Mr Pal
    You bough the essence of togetherness and love in same post.
    Loved to read a true expression from an author.

    Wish next 12th June be one of the best of your life

  2. Happy for You, Complete Man

  3. You ending line is always the best, again you scored.

  4. Wonderful PP,

  5. Can't get better. U wrote like d movie itself. Wonderful dear...loved it

  6. I envy you.the way u exress yr feelings.. I enyv if icould.

  7. Wao... U remember dates so well and you wrote them in a great style.

  8. June 12th 2009: Recession is a bitch
    I liked this para the most. somehow similar things happened to me too

  9. Lovely Sir.
    You wrote it so smoothly and it caught my heart

  10. Its like dear Diary, Secrets of someone's life

  11. Its like dear Diary, Secrets of someone's life

  12. Mixed feelings!! Nostalgic!! Wish you a Happy 12th June..
    Even my life just flashed by reading your post..
    Kudos dear..
    Congratulations on your engagement!!


  13. Dear Blogger
    Loved your feelings. You are becoming champion of the endings.

    Normally reading diary is boring, but when its yrs i knew there would be surprises, there would be twists.

    Loved to go back to the memory lane...

    Long live ..

  14. So its inspired from the movie "One day"
    Really great movie and u did well too..
    Nice work..
    It would be still better if you had added few more years and some names..

  15. For me the day is June 10, Close enough

  16. Pits
    Loved your dear diary
    "Pritam's Diary"

  17. Thanks Guys ---

    Indeed the day is special for me, Many more in fact, but this date have a historical significance in my life, i better say, could be more remembered, but with time memories fade....

    But yes the circus must go one..

    So i shall come back with another post, a crispy topic soon...

    Till then ....
    Live Bindass, We only live Once.

  18. Hey Pritam

    The new site design is super. The rolling effect and every picture of the slide perfectly complement the stories.Seems you spent much time designing the blog too.

    Well done, will like to see it more cool. The blue color is nice.

  19. Cool, i will write diary from now too, but i dont have a sprcial day lik this

  20. nice pri
    read from a friend's update then read some posts, cool.
    yr engligh is simple to understand and style is close to heart, for people who dnt know tough words.

  21. nice collection of thoughts.

  22. Nice write up and nice history.

  23. Good...
    I too remember my old days specially college days

  24. You became so matured now. Remember I read yr one story in yr diary in college. It was an immature tale, but there was a bonding b/n characters. now I see d bond getting stronger. Somehow u pull your readers towards you and the story. You complete the incompleteness...

    Wish someday you too become complete...

  25. If I would have written a Reprise Edition of "One Day", today it would be the day, But I decided to live it like another day...
    Kept myself busy all the times so that I never get time to recall the day, One year back, which completely changed my life...

    One day. Reprise...
