
When I woke up today morning my Facebook wall was full of sad messages. I never saw so many updates for a single man in last four years but this man truly deserved it. Its hard to believe that he is no more. 

People who travel business class think they are special in this world; they belong to the elite class. Few years ago people who had Platinum credit card thought the same but gradually the level of those product deteriorated. Things are different for people who use Apple product. If you are a Macbook/iPhone/iPod/iPad user you are always among those cream of the crop class, you have a choice in yourself.

I stopped writing blogs two months ago and when my friends pressurised to return back to writing I was thinking much what to write after a break. Today my fingers started typing all its own not because I’m diehard fan of iPod or Macbook Air but it’s a chance to pay tribute the Man whose touch will be in our fingers, our ears and eyes.

He is respected not because he was CEO of the largest company of the world but because he was a visionary, he touched million hearts and people always felt that.  90 % of us use Windows but do we feel proud using Windows machine or a dell/sony laptop? Ask a Macbook user and he will tell 10 good things about it.

There is a lesser known movie called “Pirates of Silicon Valley” which is story of Steve Jobs and Bill gates. Torrent Link here.

"Remembering that I'll be dead soon is the most important tool I've ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life," he said. "Because almost everything - all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure - these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important."

My Tribute to a Man who inspired me to stand strong in darkest phase of my life. His Stanford University commencement address in 2005 became Geeta to me. I saw the youtube video repeatedly and it made me feel like there is a new beginning coming.
Nothing end abruptly in life, it always gives you a chance to undo the mistakes you have done and do better next time.
World would have been little less beautiful without him for sure, for me at least.



  1. Very touched! May his soul RIP!!!....

  2. I liked this color scheme.
